Рунічна магія

Руни: ваша магічна карта до щастя!

Чому руни такі привабливі?

  • Глибокий зв'язок з природою: Руни пов'язані з циклами природи, стихіями і енергіями Всесвіту.
  • Інструмент самопізнання: Допомагають розкрити свій потенціал, зрозуміти причини подій і прийняти правильні рішення.
  • Захист і підтримка: Руни можуть стати надійним оберегом і джерелом сили.
  • Прогнозування майбутнього: Допоможуть зазирнути в майбутнє і підготуватися до змін.
Курс для тих, хто хоче стати Магом власного сюжету та:
  • Покращити своє життя, стати успішнішим, розкрити магію рун, навчитися перетворювати їх на потужні інструменти для змін;

  • Знайти своє призначення і навчитися передбачати майбутнє за допомогою сакральних символів. Розкрити таємниці значень рун у різних життєвих сферах;

  • Опанувати техніки медитацій, які допоможуть не лише здобути внутрішню силу, а вже на етапі навчання запустять дивовижні зміни та трансформації вашого життя;

  • Стати на шлях архітектора своєї унікальної долі, розблокувати потоки магії у своєму житті.

  • Відчути підтримку Богів і стати ближче до тих Сил, які підтримують і направляють – Мудрих і сильних, чиї історії надихають на глибокі зміни;

  • Почути в собі те, у що вірили скандинавські народи – їхні принципи і мудрість;

  • Отримати владу над енергіями.


Що вас чекає в період навчання:

  • 7 ПОТУЖНИХ НАВЧАЛЬНИХ БЛОКІВ (27 годин відеоматеріалу) 
  • Щотижневі зустрічі онлайн за підсумками домашніх завдань 
  • Додатковий презентаційний матеріал і міні-конспект 
  • Чат-підтримка (24/7) 
  • Сертифікат після завершення навчання 
  • Доступ на постійній основі, навіть після завершення навчання

Чому саме цей курс?

Авторська методика

Розроблена унікальна система навчання, яка дозволяє безпечно відчути енергію рун та налагодити з ними зв`язок

Практичний підхід

Велика кількість практичних завдань та розкладів


Ви зможете поставити всі питання, що вас цікавлять під час групового навчання.

Структурованість та системність

Всі матеріали стуктуровані та надають можливість легко засвоювати нові знання.

Course reviews
Frequently asked questions
Can I learn from scratch?

Yes, our courses are suitable for both beginners and those who already have basic knowledge. We start with the basics and gradually move on to more complex topics.

How soon can I start earning after starting my studies?

Many of our students start working with clients already in the first month of training, using the acquired knowledge in practice.

What support will I receive during my studies?

Mentor support in the framework of group and individual training. This allows you to receive personalized guidance, answers to your questions and advice throughout the course. 

Do you need any special learning tools?

For most courses you will only need a deck of Tarot, Rune or Lenormand cards. All other materials and resources are provided as part of the course.

Is it possible to study online?

Yes, all our courses are available online, allowing you to study at a time and pace that suits you.

How long does one course take?

The duration of the course depends on its complexity, but on average the training lasts from 4 to 10 weeks.

How can I register for a course?

You can sign up for the course through the form on the website or by contacting me using the contacts indicated on the page.

Do you have programs for advanced students?

Yes, I offer professional development programs for those who already have basic knowledge and want to deepen their skills.

How can I pay for the course?

Payment is accepted through bank cards, online payments and other methods convenient for you. 

Can I get a certificate after completing the course?

Yes, upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate confirming the acquired knowledge and skills.

Do you provide help in finding clients after completing the course?

We offer practical advice and tools for building your own business and attracting customers, as well as consulting on managing social networks.

Is it possible to split the course payment into parts?

Yes, we offer installment options for the convenience of our students. Details can be discussed separately.

How are online classes conducted?

Our courses include video lessons, workshops, webinars and live meetings, as well as access to course materials that you can study at your own pace.

What should I do if I miss a class?

You will be able to view the recording of the missed lesson at any time convenient for you.

Can I combine my studies with my main job?

Yes, the courses are designed in such a way that you can study at a time convenient for you, combining studies with other responsibilities.

Do you need special programs or technical equipment for training?

You will need a computer or smartphone with Internet access. All necessary programs and resources will be provided as part of the course.

Забронювати місце на курс

Or contact yourself to register for the course:
Secrets of my path

I have a powerful code in the Matrix of Fate, which determines my mission - to transmit secret knowledge.

I have developed a unique method of conducting consultations, which I generously share with my students. Founder of innovative online projects 
"TAROT CODE 78", "Tarot Supervision" and "Rune Supervision" - the first of their kind among esoteric schools that emphasize the development of practical skills in reading schedules. I have created a simple and clear path for those who want to master the esoteric directions from the first steps or improve their knowledge.

My School is a place where theory quickly turns into practice, and the support of a mentor ensures that you do not be alone with your questions. I help not only to learn, but also to start earning from the first months. Your success is my main goal! 

years of professional practice
years of successful mentoring
conducted consultations
satisfied students
positive reviews
Tarot spreads

Discover the power of the ancient gods and change your life!

Learn to work with runes - ancient symbols that carry great power. 

You will learn how to create your own talismans, conduct simple rituals and use the knowledge of runes to:

  • Attract wealth and prosperity
  • Search for love and harmony in relationships
  • Improving health
  • Protection from negative energy

Do you want to learn to understand the language of the Universe and make decisions with confidence?

Even if you have never held Tarot cards in your hands, the course will help you develop intuition and find answers to the most interesting questions.



Light a Candle for Change!

Learn how to perform rituals for love, money, health, protection, cleansing, and much more.

After completing the course, you will be able to independently conduct rituals and adjust key areas of your life!


Do you want to know your destiny? 

Oracle Lenormand will give you comprehensive answers. 

This is the only deck that allows you to predict the full fate of a person with incredible accuracy.


Do you want to reveal all the secrets of your relationship? 

Tarot Manara is the key to understanding the deepest desires and feelings of a partner.

Detection of negativity

Do you feel that something is wrong in your life, but you cannot understand the reason?

Tired of constant failures and do not know how to change the situation?

You are not alone in your looking for answers.

Oracle Lenormand is the easiest deck to understand even at home.

Sign up for a course and see if there is a magical influence on you right now! Check the status of your energy and disruptive interference!



Detection of negativity

Want to learn how to recognize hidden threats in Tarot spreads? 

The course will teach you how to identify negative energy, check the state of protection, and find ways to solve problems.

Identify negativity before it does harm!




Grand Tableau

Are you already familiar with Lenormand cards? 

Time to take your skills to the next level!

Grand Tableau Lenormand is the most comprehensive schedule in this system.

Covers all areas of life: love, career , finances, health.

Each card in the schedule carries important information, allowing you to get the most accurate forecast.

On the course, you will receive specific knowledge and skills that you can immediately apply in practice .